Friday, November 7, 2014

The first of many excerpts

This bit of writing was done while I was deployed to the middle east. when sun and sand is all you look at it tends to make for the least distracting place for writing.

the world we once knew was lost in sands and time. where once wars were fought with a rain of fire, now they found themselves fought with sweat and steel.  though the relics of the old world still exist, nobody dares brave the hazards to retrieve them and find the lost knowledge to use them.  I, myself still remember those day of old but they are fading into the abyss of the new world . I am a nomad in these wastes, braving sand and heat to spark the dawning of a new age that bares the sweet nectar's of the old world without the bitter wines of what it brought out of the peoples. perhaps this holy mission is simply a folly, a thirsting for what was a normal life, an easy life or perhaps it is greed for all the things worth fighting for so that i cant find myself in a cocoon of comforts and pleasures.
    the date is lost to me, the time is irrelevant when you have to do nothing but survive the day to day. I am a days walk outside of the major city and another days walk from the next village. this is the time i use to reflect on what I remember from the old days, I used to think that times were hard then.  I began to make shelter in the small grove a bushes, it was the closest thing to greenery that you would see in the wastes. I haven't had a good haul of old world artifacts in months and my rations were dangerously low.  i spent my evenings eating small meals and maintaining the only piece of my past i had left, the heavy revolver that had been with me for years. It had seen better days, the chrome body had lost most of its luster from the travel.
    the dawn came flowing through the brush, i woke to find myself thinking what would the day bring me. at worst a band of cutthroats who would kill me and rob me of everything past my underwear and perhaps cook and eat me as well, at best i would wander from the path to the next village and have to spend time in the wastes. i opened my compass, though nearly useless without accurate maps of the wastes that used to be Utah, it would at least tell me which way i needed to journey. i began plodding my way through the red sands. the dust lay like blood over the Remanence of my tan boots and darkened my tattered jeans. I continued until the sun hung at the peak of the sky and found myself a shelter in an abandoned home. it was little more then sand beaten walls and a partial door, the interior was gutted of everything that could be carried away and was little more then a barren and tattered wooden box. i walked through the doorway carefully, you never know when bandits would try to catch an unsuspecting traveler off his guard and make a meal of him.  all i found was a few insects without the good sense to die and a few scraps of wood left over from the inevitable pillaging that went on. i set by backpack down, it was still usable but  had more then seen better days. were there once were zippers and Velcro there were now straps and laces. a faded camouflage pattern was barely visible through the years of hard travel and grime. its strong but lite frame was held together with wrapping of whatever i found in my journey. i took off my load bearing vest, yet another relic of the past that seemed to stick with me through all hazards and hardships. i folded it up and set it next to my pack. my scarf came off next, stained with sweat and travel and patched in many places. at last i finally settle myself leaning against my pack. I took this time to ponder everything that had happened up till this point. the last of the great mechanical wonders had ceased to exist but a handful of years ago. there were few survivors of that great battle and even few sane enough to even think to recount it by the fireside. I had left all parts of who i once was that day, i had no honor or sense of glory from any of the event leading up to the now. I began to drift off and finally gave up the battle to stay awake

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