Friday, November 14, 2014

second excerpt from the third novel

The next chapter of the third work in progress

I left myself staring at the empty plate, entwined of the thought that so often ran in my mind. The pines kept me perplexed, pondering why they stayed trapped in my fractured mind. I lived life as two people, one was what seemed to be real and the other trapped in some box lined with rain and pines. Was I who I seemed to be in the world that a touched and tasted every day or was their someone trapped inside who would be different. Was I just the bled through ink of two pages long left to take in the elements. I hadnt an idea of what was real, this all could be some nightmare I couldnt wake. In my mind I went back and forth battling with myself feeling every clash and crash of two steely sharp minds trying to strike down the other. I shouldnt have these worries as to weather I was who I am now or a completely other person. I was here physically, I could reach out and feel the soft linens on the bed, but where would I be if not here. Perhaps a butterfly within a cacoon dreaming hellish dreams of desecration. After a while I finally resolved the issue and decided come what may I would be simply who I was in the now til I found myself to be different. It was easier to have it be so then to battle on with two determine selves.
Time passed by, I knew I was free to roam but I wanted nothing to do with any of this. I leaned at the foot of the bed letting myself have a moment to enjoy the finery of my self imposed prison. I knew I would rather be here then cheating death in the wastelands. The thoughts of what game my hostess was playing at drifted through my thoughts like smoke. I would have her geniune nature to be true, but were it not then there was a motive behind it. How naturally I could become suspicious was disgusting to me but had become nesscary with the new breed of people who crept through the underground halls with there intent cloaked and blades covered until they met flesh. But yet in the star lit eyes I could see some truth to her persona. I went back and forth with myself until my mind felt weighed with the world. I hadnt an idea of how long had passed nor did I care to think of it. The ruins made it clear when it intended for you to leave as the darkend sun left the sky and whatever form of the moon peek beyond the horizon. In the station you slept when you were tired and the tightly coiled springs of the bodies clock let loose its tension leaving you to resting. I began to drift off into sleep, the rain began to tickle the earth in my mind and the whispers in what could be demons speaking began. The grove had changed little this time around, a sprinkle of rain shone silver in the suns light, the shadow stood there a blur but few details given. It was a women judging from what you could see of it. The whispers were broken up my laughter, I had wished to get a semblence of what was so funny about the conversation but it didnt matter. I was enveloped in the scenery and basked in the feeling it brought.
The errie feeling of being watched washed away the landscape, I opened my eyes to meet thoses starry skies. She had come back from whatever painful errand she was called away on and stood by the door watching me doze the day away. I was conflicted on weather I was glad to see her or if I would have rather spent my life in the pines. Perhaps now the pieces of the puzzle that were lost would return to the box and I would find out more of her intent.
“I never gave you my name” she said with darkness showing in her normally cheery voice “if my uncle were still around he would be apalled at how impolite that was, meeting a new person and not properly introducing myself” she finished as she walked around the room touching a few pieces of furniture longingly. “My name is helena, This is my uncles home” she said some of her cheer returning “He was one of the people who established the station” I wathed her as she spoke, gracfully floating through the room reaching out as if to collect her words from everything in the room. “He was much like you, delving into the ruins trying to find things and discovering new places” she had moved to the curtains that hung over the door to the balcony “ He was trying to expand the station into the tunnels when he disappeared, looking for the next stop is how he put it” I knew some of the lore behind the station and tunnels, it was a web of interconnecting tunnels with places similar to this spread out every so often. There were large machines that moved people from place to place and they could exit onto the surface when they reached there destinations. I had tryed to imagine this a few times but all I saw was unknown darkness and the noises of feral beasts or worse echoing through the tunnels. The idea of it struck fear into my being and left my body crying out for comfort. I hadnt a desire to delve into the dark and find the paths to the next place. Perhaps that puzzle had began to find itself and the picture was appearing. It would explain the care and tending that I had recieved so far, the new clothing made from quality materials. Perhaps my skills would benifit me in this transaction, I had disaproved of the changes as most changes never worked out for me. But in this instant I forsaw myself being compensated for the time It took me to aquire my skill set and if I returned I would be well outfitted to resume my usual activities. The biggest question is weather or not I would return at all, rumors circulated about the what lurked within the tunnels below and none of them were of daisies and danishes.

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