Saturday, November 8, 2014

Another iron in the fire

Here is one that was started but didn't progress past the short blurb of words

I Was sore, my hand was probably broken and Her pleas swam through my head like ducks. I had thought I was the cure to a plague, but I was wrong in my assumption. I had been watching her,studying her as an actor to the scenes of a play. Every small and trifling thing she did right down to how she nervously wiped her nose. Now in the wake of what I had seen, my intervention had been a godsend. The world was filled with cobras and spiders, nether of which you would like to acquaint yourself with until the day you find yourself cornered by them. I hadn't seen my entrapment until it was far too late and now the life would be slowly sucked from me. She knew what this all meant, her tiny fingers so well placed on the pulse that nothing would slip by. Me on the other hand I was wrapped up in my world. When your vision is so narrow that all you can see is the prize, the gremlins decide to throw a wrench in the works and send you off kilter spinning into the sun. Now I would have to learn a new game without any rules, I game played since the dawning of man, survive.

As with any story there is a beginning and a end,Hero and villains and a final scene where things are rolled up into neat little balls and put in a box. Only some parts of this story follow the arch to the tee the rest is a bog filled with trying to meet the romantic standard of good story telling and more then likely failing at it. I was born screaming into the world. I grew and was instilled with the teachings of my family and soon grew into a man whose predisposition was to help anyone who looked like they needed it. I’m not talking about giving a bum a quarter but genuine help. I became something of a vigilante as the year progressed, roughing up abusive husbands, robbing pimps who didn't treat his women right. I tried to do it with limited aggression and a cool head, I was mostly successful in this endeavor. Until that night when she caught my eye and made the very stars dance around me.

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