Thursday, June 29, 2017

Role playing games to life lessons

Life is a role playing game in so many aspects, you have a character with randomized skills, you can equip items to augment these skills,You grind for experience and money daily. That being said, you wouldn't ask a healer to take a fighters position and a bard to be a healer in most situations. The key to being an effective player in you life is to focus on what you are good at and ignore what you are not. I am not good a math but I am good at problem solving, these are two very similar things as math problems are to be solved but the order of operations on a math problem versus the order of operations on a practical problem are two very different methodologies. I don’t have to use a precise formula to solve a practical problem, the solutions are probably infinite but the order of operations on a math problem can only be done so many ways to get a correct answer.
I play to my strengths, when I cant play to my strengths I find a party who can fill in the gaps. Its important that you get a party that is well rounded though. You are not going to do well with nothing but barbarians bull rushing an objective. Most people seem to want to solo most of the time, they don’t have a valuable party to tackle the larger bosses in their lives thus they can never really get the best gear that life has to offer.
Your gear can also have a very important role in how well you do or do not do in life. If your like me and are terrible at math then you can equip a calculator to add to your roll against the dreaded number demon. Some pieces of gear can reduce the number of turns it takes to perform an action, by equipping a chainsaw rather than an ax you can cut down a tree in one turn rather then several. There are cursed items in the game of life, Facebook give you’re a negative to productivity rolls, a poor quality car has a chance to blow up on use. You need to be mindful of these items and be prepared to deal with the negatives to your stats.
Another aspect of the game that life is the risk versus reward system. If you stick with your mindless minimum wage job you could potentially grind long enough to get good gear but I higher level job would give you more reward but at a higher risk. Eventually the experience will run out on the lower level job though and you may have to move to a higher level.
This is just food for thought and late night musings, I am unsure if this will be expanded upon ever but it was fun to make the comparison. Think seriously about it though, I don’t feel like its inaccurate in any way. We nerds are sharp for a reason, nights at a gaming table can teach you lessons on what not to do in game and in life if you understand how to apply the theory to the practice.

Friday, August 26, 2016

novel two rewrite

The pines needles crunched under foot, I was back again in the the lucid dream of that far away place. The misty sky brought on a light rain, the dampened earths scent caressed my senses. I loved and hate this place, a far away mystery that occupied the space between days. An overwhelming feeling, be able to escape to a place I don't remember clearly why I know it but it seems so close to me. A flash of lighting cast shadows of the trees on the mossy earth. The intense rush of emotions brought for feeling I hadn't felt in many years. The misery of the crater had seeped deeply within me and left no room for hope. I could stay here forever, but the claws of realty scraped across this place, slowly cutting away the peace I felt. 
I awoke to the hazy skies, the sun slowly crept to the craters rim and rain clouds loomed over the cities ruins. The old bones the slept beneath the foliage shifted and moved with the worlds spinning. I hadn't an idea of how long I had wandered the ruins, it could have been an eternity or a few days. It all ran together more and more as time passed. I sought answers, why did I see the pines and why were they so engraved within myself. These questions were constantly within my head. Everyday of my life was spent surviving and pondering why I saw and felt all of these things behind my eyes. The answer eluded me and made me crave it more.
I would soon have to take my salvage back to the citadel, the longer I was away the more vivid the blank spaces in reality were. This was not the place to have your attention divided, the dangers were real here and not some dream in your head. Everything was deadly in this place, everything was hungry here. The bast majority of the plants were poisonous and inedible by humans, The few that were looked like others that weren't. I looked out on the valley from my perch high above, steel and vines melded together into a continuous labyrinth. There were no trails to walk in this place but a careful balance struck between safety and certain death. The earth itself would swallow you up if you weren't full attentive in every step. I picked my way down the tall plant bound tower where I could look at the grim beauty of this hellish jungle.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Lacking ambition

I hate when I want to write but I can't stir up the same "zone" I was in at the time I started writing whatever I want to work on.  I can't channel what I was feeling when I started a project. I don't write words but rather transfer my mood into words. 
Does anyone else operate like that?

Sunday, August 30, 2015

poetry hour one

I saw the storm rising above the sandy shores
The world i knew shook to shambles

I only closed the door

I've see the sights and felt the feelings
Knew what I denied

I saw the storm on the sandy shores 
But I only closed the door

It fell like soft rain and soaked me to the bone
The wave hit and washed the world away

I saw it rise and felt its fall 
I only closed the door

Monday, August 17, 2015

Some progress in the deep pines that though they are mine the haunt me.

She paused at the door,looking down at her feet. She turned those sparkling eye upon me, her brow furrowed in deep thought.
“Would you like to escort me to a party this evening?” she asked with eyes alight. I nodded out of habit not knowing what the right answer would have been. I hated people, especially the deep crowds of the stations. They were a necessity to me but no less of a troublesome burden.
“Great, Ill have a suit brought in for you” she said her face lighting up with joy. It was as if she would have been miserable attending alone. I would have figured a women like that would be overjoyed at the prospects of mingling with the high born that attended such events. Perhaps my perception of what she is and isn't was flawed in some way. Only time would tell who or what she really is, I prayed to anyone who would listen she was not a beast hiding in the flowers. Everyone was hungry for something in this world, some would consume it in every way were they able and others want but one bite to be satisfied. Again she left with the quiet click of the door latching and I was left to my thoughts.
My eyes grew tired,I slipped inside my mind back to the pines. The earthen air was heavy with impending rains the pines swayed in storms gale and the shadow still babble and cackled. It had changed from a place of peace into a more nightmarish visage of its former self. I didn't know what this terrifying transition was telling me but it bore the air of a foul omen. I hoped it shed little light onto the future of reality and that I would return to the quiet quarters I had left for this. The storm rolled in and the sun became but small rays in the impending onslaught. Terror swept across me like wildfire and I clawed my way out of this image back to the finery of the high station home that seemed so peaceful.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

the pines needles crunch softly under foot. The damp earth left in the wake of the storm fill my nostrils. Was this what peace felt like? I wasn't for sure on the matter myself, But it was what I imagined when my mind retreated into itself to shut out the horrors of world. My mind snapped back to reality and I tasted what the true world was once again. The thick and dark with the slow death and decay of the world. I sat atop the skeletal heap of rubble taking in what one would only think hell would look like. Below the horizon the dim globe of what once was the radiant sun sank slowly below the scabbed scenery. A great city reduced to ruins, whose names long forgotten, spread before me. Tiny specks in the distance moved through the wreckage, a pack of feral dogs looking for less fortunate prey.

I keep coming back to this story, I don't know why but it keep pulling me back in. I never really think anything I write is worth two shits in a sand storm but this one in particular keeps pulling me back with a sirens song.

I've always dreamed of being a novelist but I have never had enough drive to actually finish anything. the longest running manuscript Ive had was a solid 56 pages and I still saw it as garbage. when it comes to my own work I am hyper critical of every detail.

Just some food for thought I suppose, perhaps one day I'll make it big and see that I had laid the foundation for my success right here on my own portion of the vast internet. there are only two certain things in life, Death and taxes

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Free write one

He stands a stone statue, a tribute to what we have accomplished. the perfect specimen of the infusion of science and carefully thought out genetics. every advantage of being a human with few drawbacks, but he was not his own as it were. the problem with people meddling in a person is they can control everything to an absolute. they can essentially create living property by the refined laws that govern what it is to be human.  the clear cut lines that once were are now muddled in with the bleeding ink of political garbage. they make their money by selling themselves like common whores. perhaps it was the inevitable way of things, politicians have been corrupt since the earliest days of government and today it stands to be as true as ever. It really wasn't my business  I suppose as I am but a lowly clerk who issues out the supplies to create these works of genetic perfection. some days it doesn't bother me but  today was a news broadcast over the company intranet about the great work we were doing in the field of growing human tissues and how our research was saving countless lives across the world. this played on my moral compass, we made life to destroy life to save more lives, there were so many shades of grey in this business. I hated this place but I loved it too, the things other people were doing for a fair wage was yet another terrible reality the we all faced.  the people were layered in the sins of the old world scriptures, It bled from their very pores and seemed to linger in the air around them.  I was not a saint by any means but there were people in this world who if given a chance would consume it. But this was the reality we lived with and without a great change in things it would be the way of things forever